Veiledning om immaterielle rettigheter fra Patentstyret - Ansatt

Guidance on intellectual property rights from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office

Guidance on intellectual property rights from the Norwegian Industrial Property Office

Do you need guidance on how to protect intellectual property rights (IPR)? The Norwegian Industrial Property Offic is now available on campus.

The Norwegian Industrial Property Office is available on campus for students, researchers and other employees for guidance related to IPR. Guidance will start again in September 2024. Specific times for guidance will be published on this page.

Location: Pilestredet 35.

What can the Patent Office help you with?

  • Provide guidance on why and how you can go about applying for a patent, trademark or registering a design
  • Give an overview of the technological area you work with. Do you know who your biggest competitors are?
  • Provide basic training in searching patent databases so that you can keep yourself up-to-date

The Norwegian Industrial Property Office ( is a competence center for knowledge about intellectual property rights, and is the authority in Norway that processes patent, trademark and design applications.

Practical information

Do you want to arrange a meeting time or have questions that cannot wait until the next time the Norwegian Industrial Property Office is on campus?

Send an e-mail to Line ( or Jakob ( with a copy to

OsloMet's contact person: Karoline Aursland (