Artificial intelligence day at OsloMet


Illustrasjon: Robot med finger mot hodet

Artificial intelligence day at OsloMet

Are you curious about how staff and students at OsloMet are using artificial intelligence? Come to be inspired, challenged, and join in the discussions!



Pilestredet 35, PH170

The University Library (UB), DIGIN, and R&D invite all interested staff to a day of experience exchange and knowledge sharing with artificial intelligence as the theme.

The purpose of this informal gathering is to map out and share knowledge about and interest in AI at OsloMet. We aim to engage across faculties, centers, and departments, inviting both academic and administrative staff to participate, and to contribute with presentations. These could, for example, be presentations about:

AI for managing tasks in daily work (e.g., related to administration, teaching, and research) Research on AI usage Challenges with AI usage you wish to discuss with colleagues All contributions are welcome, and we plan for as many as possible to have the opportunity to present during the day.

Practical information

Time: 13. mai
Place: Pilestredet 35, PH170

The organizers will provide coffee and light refreshments throughout the day.

Preliminary programme

(updated after April 19th)

08:15-08:30 Coffee and mingling

08:30-09:15 Breakfast meeting. Guidelines for the use of AI at OsloMet. Introduction by the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development Tanja Storsul, presentations from staff, and reflection conversation.

09:30-10:30 Sharing of experiences on general use of AI in the workplace. Three 15-minute presentations on submitted topics. Plenary discussion 15 minutes

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45-11:45 Sharing of experiences on the use of AI in teaching. Three 15-minute presentations on submitted topics. Plenary discussion 15 minutes

11:45-12:15 Lunch

12:15-13:15 Sharing of experiences on the use of AI in research. Three 15-minute presentations on submitted topics. Plenary discussion 15 minutes

Vel møtt!