Innovation Leadership


Innovation Leadership

"Innovation Leadership" integrates theory with practical application to enhance participants' skills in innovation leadership, fostering innovation culture, and entrepreneurship. The program includes lectures, practical tools, and networking opportunities with inspiring innovation leaders.



Gründergarasjen. Stensberggata 29, 0170 Oslo

Target Audience

The course is tailored for employees of research institutions and universities engaged in innovation leadership. It is suitable for those looking to deepen their understanding of innovation leadership, innovation culture, and entrepreneurship.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand theories and principles in innovation management: Participants should be able to explain the theoretical perspectives that have shaped the fields of innovation and entrepreneurship, and how these can contribute to value creation, sustainability, and societal change.
  • Apply practical tools for innovation: Participants should learn to use specific tools and templates that can be implemented in their work to promote innovation processes and technology transfer in their respective institutions.
  • Promote innovation culture and collaboration: Participants should be able to identify strategies to strengthen the innovation culture in their organisations and engage in knowledge sharing and collaboration with other innovation leaders and entrepreneurs.

Course Description/Content

The course is divided into 5 sessions

  • Session 1: Guiding through the theoretical perspectives and research shaping current understanding of innovation and entrepreneurship processes.
  • Session 2: The role of a TTO (Technology Transfer Office) and commercialization of technology and research outcomes.
  • Session 3: How does OsloMet work with innovation?
  • Session 4: Visit from an innovation leader.
  • Session 5: Participants share how they work with innovation.


The course will employ theoretical lectures, discussions, case studies, practical examples, and active participation among course participants.

Course Instructors

Even Haug Larsen, Steinar Olberg and Karoline Aursland. Additionally, relevant guest lecturers will be invited.

Course Venue

Stensberggata 29, 0170 Oslo

Registration deadline

Thursday 14th September
