Eksternt skrivebord - Ansatt

Remote desktop

Remote desktop

How to reach Remote Desktop via kontor.oslomet.no - for remote access, software and research servers.

Why Remote Desktop?

Login to kontor.oslomet.no makes it possible to reach MIME and other services you would otherwise need VPN for.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for kontor.oslomet.no. Please enable your account for MFA before connecting.

  • Connect Windows computer to kontor.oslomet.no


    Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is required for kontor.oslomet.no. Please enable your account for MFA before connecting.

    1. Login to kontor.oslomet.no

    Go to https://kontor.oslomet.no

    1. Username: username@oslomet.no

    2. Password: OsloMet-password

    3. Press Sign in

    2. Eksternt Skrivebord

    Click on the Eksternt Skrivebord icon.

    Skjermbilde av kontor.oslomet.no med pil som peker på "Eksternt skrivebord"-ikon.

    3. Access to Remote Desktop Connection

    Open the downloaded file.

    4. Choose "Connect" to start the remote connection

    Skjermbilde av remote desktop. Klikk "Connect" for å koble til.

    5. Continue login 

    A) Enter username@oslomet.no and your OsloMet password. Click ok.

    Skjermbilde som viser hvor man legger inn passord og brukernavn.

    B) Remote desktop uses multi-factor authentication (MFA). Approve the connection in your Microsoft Authenticator app.

    5. Windows Start menu

    If your login succeeds you'll now see your Microsoft Windows environment.

    6. Questions or problems?

    Please contact itservicedesk@oslomet.no if you have any questions or problems.

  • Connect Mac to kontor.oslomet.no


    You must set up two-factor authentication and have access to the Microsoft Authenticator app. Your computer must have Microsoft Remote Desktop installed. All Macs from OsloMet have this as standard. On a private Mac, this can be downloaded from the App store. 


    Step 1 -Log in to kontor.oslomet.no 


    Click on the button “Sign in” 

    Step 2 - Open Remote Desktop 

    Click on the icon for Remote Desktop 

    See steps 1 and 2 in the guide for Windows for screenshots. 

    Step 3 - Run the installation file 

    Open the file named: cpub-Eksternt_Skriveb-Eksternt_Skriveb-CmsRdsh.rdp 

    Step 4 - Set up a new Workspace 

    1. Choose: “Add Workspace” 
    2. Add the address kontor.oslomet.no 
    3. Add kontor.oslomet.no and choose your user account. 
    4. Add your password and click “Add”. 

    Your computer is now connected to Remote Desktop. 

    Here you have access to the Windows desktop environment and will be able to access K: and internal services from the browser.

    Skjermbilde som at man legger inn kontor.oslomet.no som workspace URL og klikker "Add user account" i nedtrekksmeny.

    Questions or problems? 

    Experiencing instability or problems? Notify this to itservicedesk@oslomet.no

    Access to applications - Apps

    To see all apps or applications open Eksternt skrivebord (remote desktop)

    • Click the icon for Windows on the left bottom corner.
    • This opens the Start menu..

    Skjermbilde: klikk på ikonet for Windows nede i venstre hjørnet for tilgang til flere menyer/apps

    • Select the arrow at the bottom of the screen - to access all applications.
    • All applications that are accessible via Remote Desktop for Mac, see the screenshot below.

    4. To navigate in Windows Explorer

    To return one or more steps or navigate in Windows Explorer, you can navigate in the menu.

    • Select Desktop or Computer - to access the desktop environment.
    • Select: File Explorer - to access your files and folders in your home directory.

    5. Log off Remote Desktop

    • Go to the Windows menu: Select the icon for Windows or the Start menu at the bottom left to get the screen below.
    • Disconnect: The icon to turn off / Disconnect is to the right of your name. See screenshot below.
    • Click "Disconnect".

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