Digin kurs og kompetanse - Ansatt

Courses and skills development for educators at OsloMet

Courses and skills development for educators at OsloMet

Do you need replenishment and inspiration, wish to try out different teaching methods, and are curious about the pedagogical use of digital tools? Here is your overview.

Do you want to excel in learning design, in flipped teaching, in feedback, or in student-active teaching forms? We are very eager to come to the academic communities and facilitate workshops and work processes with you! Unsure of what you need? Please reach out - we will be happy to assist you. 

  • Courses and workshops

    DIGIN offers several courses for instructors each semester. Thematically, they are related to how you organize teaching, student-active learning methods, and the pedagogical use of digital tools. DIGIN continuously posts courses on the OsloMet Academy and on the 'what's happening' page for employees.

  • Customized courses

    DIGIN can develop and customize courses if you do not find guides, resources, or existing courses that meet your needs. Contact us!

  • Theme based seminars

    Periodically, DIGIN, in collaboration with other actors at OsloMet, holds theme-based seminars and breakfast meetings where instructors from OsloMet and other institutions in the sector are invited to share about their teaching and facilitate exchange of experiences among the instructors. Themes can, for example, be using games in learning, how to flip the classroom, digital learning environments, forms of assessment, simulation, peer evaluation. Do you have suggestions for topics we should cover? Give us a tip!

  • Workshop for you?

    Do you want to excel in learning design, in reverse teaching, in feedback, or in student-active teaching methods? We would very much like to come to the academic environments and facilitate workshops and work processes together with you! Unsure about what you need? DIGIN would love to spar with you! Get in touch!