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Små prosjekter - Ansatt

Small-scale projects Small-scale projects

Small-scale projects that are implemented within one unit and that do not affect students and/or staff outside the unit can use a simple project model. The following gives a description of the model and some guidelines for implementation.

The project model comprises three phases, two decision points and governing documents (model in Norwegian).


​​​​​​Prosjektmodell for små prosjekter som viser tre faser; planlegge, gjennomføre og avslutte (beskrevet under).

  • Roles and responsibilities

    The project should have a project owner, a project manager and project participants as needed.

    Project owner

    The project owner has overriding responsibility for ensuring that the project achieves its objectives. The project owner shall:

    • follow up the project’s progress and results
    • support the project manager and the project team in their implementation of the project
    • ensure necessary clarifications and resources
    • contribute to ensuring expedient handover of the project to operation and management in the line organisation

    If required, the project owner can appoint a project board to help with the above-mentioned tasks. The project board should comprise one or more representatives of the project’s end users and of those tasked with delivering the project.

    Project manager

    The project manager is the project’s day-to-day leader and reports to the project owner. The project manager ensures that the project is completed within the given frameworks, which, among other things, includes:

    • planning
    • delegating tasks to the rest of the project team
    • following up activities, progress and uncertainty
    • managing all aspects of the project

    The project manager must motivate all those involved to contribute to achieving the project's objectives.

    Project participant

    A project participant will work on defined project tasks together with the other members of the project team.

  • Phase – Planning

    The purpose of the planning phase is to ensure a good framework for the work. This includes setting clear objectives, establishing the project organisation and preparing a plan for the work. In this phase, the work focuses on:

    • mapping and clarifying the project’s needs and objectives
    • considering potential solutions
    • estimating the costs of the project and operating phase
    • identifying risks and opportunities
    • appointing a project owner, project manager and the rest of the project team
    • preparing a plan for the project

    The work carried out during the concept phase must be summarised in a **Project description** to be approved by the project owner before moving on to the implementation phase.

  • Phase – Implementation

    During the implementation phase, the project develops and completes its deliveries. The work also begins on providing training and documentation to the people who will receive and use the deliveries. In this phase, the most important tasks include:

    • following up progress and the budget
    • following up changes to risks and opportunities
    • implementing measures as needed

     It is a good idea for the project manager to give the project owner a status report at set dates. This can be done at a dedicated meeting. The project owner must approve all deliveries before the project moves on to the completion phase.

  • Phase – Completion

    During the completion phase, all deliveries are handed over to the line organisation, and the project is evaluated and summarised in **a final report**. Necessary documents are archived in P360 (see the guide)(only in norwegian).

    Detailed routines for completing projects in Teams, Prosjektportalen and P360


    • The project is located in Prosjektportalen
    • A case has been created on the project in P360
    • A team has been created in Teams for the project

    End the project in Teams

    • The project is in Teams for a minimum of one year after the last activity, and follows MS635's retention policy (Automatic deletion of the Team - notification goes out to team owners well before automatic deletion of the team)
    • Owner of teams: System manager is included as owner in Teams. If the system owner is missing, give the project owner the role of owner in Teams. Reduce the number of owners and turn them into members
    • The project manager is not the owner of teams after the end of the project and joins as an ordinary member of the team when the project is completed
    • Clean up the membership list when needed - minimize the number of members (noise to be a member of the completed project team)
    • Make posts to all members of the team on the channel "General" where you are notified that the project is formally terminated and that the number of owners and members is reduced
    • If the project is also in the Project Portal, but is not linked to teams, then management documents from the Team must be uploaded to the Project Portal's document library. (There should be a one-to-one relationship between a team in Teams and the project portal)

    Examples of documents:

    • Mandate
    • Project description
    • Final report
    • Delivery document
    • Minutes of meetings
    • Supplier agreements
    • Design documents and specifications

    Once the team has been cleared according to the points above, it is recommended that the team be archived in Teams:

    • Planner - if Planner is used in the project, open tasks must be completed
    • If the team should be stored longer than a year - a new routine is coming

    Finish projects in Prosjektportalen

    • Create a final project status in the project portal
    • Review phase checkpoints for all phases and ensure completion of relevant points
    • Update uncertainties with the status «No longer relevant» if measures have been implemented and risk is not relevant after the project is completed
    • Updated Project Delivery is set to the status "Delivered" if it is correct when the project is completed
    • Update functions such as «Tasks», «Stakeholders», «Communication plan», «Gains» and «Resource allocation» if they are used in project implementation
    • Change phase to «Realize»

    Finish projects in P360

    Turn all documents you need to archive into pdf. Here is a list of documentation on what is to be archived in P360 at the end of the project:

    • Mandate for the concept phase
    • Project description (for transition to planning phase and possibly other versions)
    • Final report
    • Minutes and presentations from project board meetings
    • Formal notes
    • ROS analyzes
    • Documents related to procurement
    • Data processor agreement
    • Other contracts

    Contact SDI for guidance on how to link the sharepoint area of the project to the case in P360 and how to save the files in P360. Instructions can be found here (only in norwegian).