Vedlegg 3: Hvordan ivareta et godt og trygt arbeidsmiljø i en konfliktsituasjon | Personalforvaltning - Ansatt

Appendix 3 – How to maintain a safe and satisfactory working environment in conflict situations

Appendix 3 – How to maintain a safe and satisfactory working environment in conflict situations

Appendix 3 to the conflict management guidelines at OsloMet


Work phases

Preventing offensive behaviour

All employees are obliged to observe and comply with OsloMet's guidelines. This includes notifying of unwanted behaviour and censurable conditions, regardless of who these incidents concern.

A good and systematic HSE work is a crucial part of this work.

Managers have a special responsibility to stimulate a healthy culture and to work preventively with the psychosocial working environment in order to prevent offensive behaviour. Regular working environment mappings and individual employee interviews must be conducted. Risks shall be assessed and reduced through appropriate measures.

Managers should ensure appropriate involvement and participation in processes and decisions that concern the employees. 

Managing harassment, improper conduct and hard personal conflicts

OsloMet acknowledges that in some cases limits may be exceeded and that harassment, improper conduct and violation of integrity and dignity are incidents that may arise.

Employees who experience unfortunate offenses should be familiar with their options. There must be room for appealing and thus getting the case examined and assessed. The case processing must furthermore ensure that the person accused is given the opportunity to present their case and that no measures are taken before the case has been concluded.

The person filing the appeal is entitled to the necessary protection (shielding) while the investigation is ongoing. 

Restoring a good working environment

Managers have a special responsibility to restore order and rectify the working environment where harassment, improper conduct and / or hard conflicts have occurred or developed.

Employees who have been subjected to an offense are entitled to the necessary health care and adaptation of the work situation. The objective is that the employee is able to continue in the same position and at the same work place.

The employer should assist in finding other solutions within the organisation if this is for the best of the employee. However, if the employee considers the best solution to be the termination of the employment, the employer shall assist in this transition.

If investigations reveal that harassment, other improper behaviour or hard conflicts have taken place, the manager has a duty to act or propose measures.

Employees found to have exposed others to harassment or other improper behaviour must expect disciplinary measures and reprimand.

When one of the parties is not employed by OsloMet

OsloMet has an employer's responsibility in cases of harassment and other improper behaviour, even when only one of the parties to the conflict is employed at the university. Examples include if a TR employee becomes publicly harassed in media or social media in connection with the dissemination of academic topics, or if academic staff exhibit improper conduct towards students in an educational or private context.

If employees experience offenses by a party outside OsloMet, the employer has duty of safeguarding and restoration, given that the employee wishes this type of assistance.

OsloMet does not accept that employees abuse authority in view of their position to inflict offenses to others.

Students are granted corresponding right of appeal and equal appeals processing as other employees. Sanctions will be assessed on a par with those in cases where both parties are employees, (wea. section 1-6 (1) a) and the University and University colleges Act, section  4-3 (pdf)

For more information about students’ rights in connection with the learning environment, see Guidelines for processing complaints about teaching and counselling as well as Healt, safety and environment for students.

All businesses that have employees performing tasks related to OsloMet's activities must have a co-ordination agreement with OsloMet. The coordination agreement determines the responsibilities between the businesses.