Procedures for public defence at SAM - Ansatt

Procedure for public defence at SAM

Procedure for public defence at SAM

Trial lecture and public defence shall normally take place on the same day.

The day before

We advise that the the committee meet for dinner the night before in preparations for the public defence. The committee coordinator initiates the dinner. The department pays for the dinner.

The day of the public defence

Morning gathering

The committee meets beforehand in a meeting room ( backstage room for the day), and are joined with chair of the defence, coordinator of the PhD programme and candidate, if suitable. Coffee, tea and fruit will be served from 09.15 approx.

Trial lecture

  • 10.00: The person presiding opens with information about the trial lecture in the auditorium where the trial lecture and public defence will take place.
  • 10.00 -10.45: Trial lecture (45 minutes)

The committee is given the opportunity to discuss the trial lecture either in the backstage room or other suitable room.


11.00-11.45: A light lunch is served in the back stage room for the candidate, the committee, the person presiding, supervisors, coordinator/head of the PhD programme.

Public defence

  • 12.00-12.10: The procession enters the auditorium in the following order: the person presiding, the candidate, the first opponent, second opponent and third opponent. The person presiding opens with information about the public defence.
  • 12.10-12.30: The first opponent presents the thesis. 
  • 12.30-13.30 (approx.): Discussion between the first opponent and the candidate
    (The first opponent initiates the discussion by asking the candidate whether his/her presentation was adequate)
  • 13.30-13.45: Break. Questions ex auditorio have to be notified to the person presiding during this break.
  • 13.45 -14.30 (approx.): Discussion between second opponent and the candidate
  • Questions ex auditorio, if any.
  • PhD candidate gives the opportunity to say some words, to thank the committee; the PhD programme, the Department, the supervisors, colleagues, other PhD candidates etc.
  • The person presiding formally completes the public defence, with these words:

Fabula acta est ["Forestillingen er over/slutt"]

The person presiding informs of gathering with refreshments outside the premises where the public defence was held.

The committee signs the protocols for the approved trial lecture and public defence. The head of the committee is responsible for ensuring that the protocols are signed.

Public Defence Dinner

The committee will usually be invited by the doctoral  candidate to a  dinner/party in the evening. It is common for the chairman of the committee to give a speech during the dinner.