Anslag for tidsressurs til vernetjenesten og medlemmer av AMU/LAMU | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

Estimates of time resources for the safety service and members of WEC / LWEC

Estimates of time resources for the safety service and members of WEC / LWEC

Oslo and Akershus University College wants a well-functioning safety service as well as active and committed members in the college’s local and central working environment committees. All units must therefore ensure that the safety delegates and the committee members are allocated sufficient time for this work.

General requirements

The Working Environment Act requires that the safety delegates are given the necessary time to perform the safety work in a proper manner and that the tasks are carried out during normal working hours [section 6-5 (2)]. The same rules also apply to members of working environment committees (WEC and LWEC).

For technical and administrative staff, the manager must ensure that the conditions are facilitated so that duties related to the elected positions can be performed within normal working hours. The estimates below can be used as a guideline.

When academic staff assume elected positions in such committees there must be room for a time resource in the individual’s work plan. The time needed by safety delegates will vary depending on the size and complexity of the safety area. The time needed by members of working environment committees (WEC and LWEC) will depend on the committee's activity level.

All aspects must be considered when the time resources in the work plan are to be allocated. The time estimates should be as accurate as possible in order to meet the law’s requirement of "necessary time". If the time estimate turns out too low, the employee should benefit from updates of the work plan or when making new plans are made. Time elapsed beyond what established by the work plan must be registered in time lists. This will be compensated in the next year's work plan.

Safety delegates

When setting up work plans, the following estimates for time needed may be used:

Safety delegate meetings (Møteplassen), approx. 4 meetings per year: 10-15 hours

Training, courses, seminars etc. (not basic training *): ca. 25 hours

Mapping of physical working environment, implementation and pre- and complimentary work **: 5-10 hours

Mapping of psychosocial working environment, implementation and pre- and complimentary work **: 10-25 hours

Single cases**: ca. 10 hours

* For new safety delegates, 40 hours of basic training must be included.

** Time needed for the mapping of the working environment and individual cases will vary depending on the size and complexity of the safety area. The number of individual cases will also be greatly affected by any special working environment challenges in the respective safety areas.

The safety delegate will often need an additional time resource at workplaces facing special working environment challenges or subject to relocations or other change processes.

Faculty safety delegate

The faculty safety delegate (FVO) is allocated a 5-10% time resource, including participation in LWEC and depending on the faculty's size and complexity. If the activity is great, the resource needs to be increased.

Employee representatives in the local working environment committee

When setting up work plans, the following estimates for time needed may be used:

4-5 meetings per year and one full-day seminar * / ** - approx. 30 hours

* For increased activity, the time resources must be increased.

** For new members, 40 hours of basic training must be included.

Employee representatives in the working environment committee

When setting up work plans, the following estimates for time needed may be used:

About 6 meetings per year and a 2-day seminar * / ** - approx. 50 hours



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Head of HSE Brita Bye

Phone :
92 61 47 50
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Central chief safety representative Marthe Eikum-Tang

Phone :
67 23 54 59
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