Ressursside for mediekontakt - Ansatt

Resources for media contact

Resources for media contact

Are you writing a feature article? Going on TV? Are you unsure of how to handle a journalist calling? Find tips and advice on how to handle contact with media.
  • I am going to write a feature article or a post

    A feature article or a post is a great way to disseminate your research in your own words. To write a good article it may be an advantage to have an opinion on something, tell a good story or want to put something on the agenda relating to social affairs.

    1. Message. What do you want to say? What is your main point? Is what you want to say important and interesting for the ordinary man and woman and in what way?
    2. Target group. Who do you want to reach?
    3. Decide on a medium. Check any limits relating to length.
    4. Timing. Is the topic of current interest?
    5. Examples! Use yourself as an example, personal stories or people from your research.
    6. Composition. Start with the most important points. What is your main message?  Why should we listen to you? Discuss/problematize/diversify. Finish up by gathering the threads of you story.
    7. Keep it simple. Avoid foreign words.
    8. One at a time! Send the feature article to one editorial office at a time. Wait for feedback. Send a reminder.

  • I'm going to be on TV!

    For many people, being on television is scary. However, with some simple preparations, this is a great way to present important research and knowledge.


    1. Find out what type of television programme you are participating in. Is it an interview in a studio, a news report or a debate?  Is it live or recording? Ask how the interview will take place.
    2. Find the most important points you would like to stress in the interview.
    3. Focus a little bit on how you look, but be yourself!


    1. Do not think about the technical stuff.
    2. Do not look into the camera – look at the interviewer. Stand still – with both feet firmly on the ground.
    3. Keep it simple and use short sentences. Take initiative to present your points.
    4. Let them know if you need a break. Do not be afraid to ask the journalist what he/she  means when asking you a question.
    5. Remember that the camera is still rolling after the interview is finished.
  • A journalist is calling

    A journalist is often searching for knowledge about a case or a topic. Usually they are seeking a comment relating to news story or a current incident/problem or knowledge about your research area. Note that the journalist is calling on behalf of the ordinary man and woman.

    1. Answer your phone! Find out who is calling and what it is all about.
    2. The angle. Ask the journalist about the angle of the story and who else they are going to interview.  Find out what the journalist wants from you.
    3. Am I the right person? Yes! Remember that you can comment on your area of expertise in a wide sense.
    4. Prepare! Tell the journalist that you want to check the facts and ask when he/she must have your feedback.
    5. Ask for a quote check. Correct any factual inaccuracies and if your name and title is correct, and that OsloMet is included.
    6. Spread the news article. Ask the journalist to send you a link to the article when it is published so that you may share it in social media.

    If you need help or advice, call one of the press contacts (

  • From research to front page – How to get the journalists interested in your research

    Scientific texts are often not very available for journalists and the ordinary man and woman, thus they need your help to find the best news points.

    1. Ask yourself the following questions: What is it about your research that makes it new and surprising? What is important for the society and the ordinary man and woman? Is there anything in your research that could create a debate? Who does the research results affect? Does the research solve a problem?
    2. Timing. Is the topic of current interest in the news? Is there any debates, incidents that you may relate your research findings to?
    3. Examples! Who will be affected by your findings? Is there any personal stories or «cases» in the research that may be used as an example?
    4. Message. Then, state some main points you would like to stress