Førstehjelpskurs på engelsk


Førstehjelpskurs på engelsk

Welcome to first aid course. This course will be in English.  The course aims to teach participants the necessary first aid so that they can assist in an emergency situation before medical personnel are on site.



Campus Pilestredet. Falbesgate 5 room GF113.

Target group

All employees.

Learning objectives

The goal of the course is for employees to be able to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in case of a cardiac arrest and for the employee to be able to use the defibrillator located on campus.


Safety, notification, clear airway and recovery position, basic CPR, and use of defibrillator. Theory and practical exercises. All course participants receive booklets. Training dummies and defibrillators are provided by the instructor.

Modern defibrillators are very safe for both the patient and the user. Training makes you as a first aider better prepared to give good CPR and to be able to use the defibrillators quicker. This can be crucial in saving lives. Every year, 2500-3000 people in Norway experience sudden cardiac arrest outside of hospitals. This is nearly 10 times more than those who die in traffic accidents. The efforts in the first few minutes while the ambulance is on its way can improve the survival chances of our family members, colleagues, and fellow human beings. CPR started before the ambulance arrives more than doubles the chances of survival and if a shock from a defibrillator has also been given before the ambulance arrives, some studies have shown that nearly 3/4 can survive a cardiac arrest.


The course is a combination of theory and practical exercises.

Register for the course

  1. Logg inn with Feide at Læringsplattformen (læringsplattformen dfø.no)
  2. Please click on this link to be re-routed to the course to register (læringsplattformen.dfø.no)

Point of contact