Eksamenskontoret | Eksamen - Ansatt

The Examination Office

The Examination Office

How can the Examination Office in Pilestredet 46 help?

Information for students regarding examinations (student.oslomet.no).

General tasks

  • Answer examination requests
  • Schedule, set dates and book rooms for written examinations
  • Arrange written examinations
  • Process applications regarding external examination candidates
  • Process applications regarding decentralised examinations for top athletes

Examination work

Before the exam

  • Provide rooms and candidate numbers to the students enrolled for the examination
  • Process adaptation applications for examinations.
  • Responsibility for invigilator
  • Offer user support for students who are to hold a digital examination
  • Provide rooms and candidate numbers to the students enrolled for written examinations

During the exam

  • Keep an overview of the daily examination proceedings
  • Work as communication between invigilators and the faculty as needed

After the exam

Pack and send examination answers to selected sensors

Questions about examinations can be directed to eksamen@oslomet.no

The Central Examination Office

The Central Examination Office

The Examination Office answers practical questions regarding written examination with invigilation at Silurveien and special arrangements for exams.


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