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PES: Financial support for EU project development and positioning for researchers at OsloMet

PES: Financial support for EU project development and positioning for researchers at OsloMet

Project establishment- and positioning funding received from the Research Council of Norway shall strengthen OsloMet's participation in the EUs framework programme for research and innovation, Horizon Europe (HEU).

Project establishment- and positioning funding is strategic funding from the Research Council of Norway (RCN) to strengthen Norwegian participation and improve returns in form of project funding under Horizon Europe. OsloMet applies every 2 years for a block grant from the RCN, to be distributed to researchers applying for EU-funding. As the RCN’s allocation to OsloMet (and the other institutions) has decreased, there might be future changes to the PES support at OsloMet. As for now, the below will be practices until further adjustments. 

Apply for POS and PES 2023/-24

In order to make the support easier to access, we will now practice block funding to projects according to the fixed rates stated in the overview below, to be distributed automatically to the host department by the end of the year based on the number of submitted proposals registered in the Commission's online application system. PES funding shall contribute to covering expenses related to the application process. The institute has to cover the running expenses, before the fixed rate is transferred once the application has been registered as submitted in the EU portal. The expenses must be traceable, and it is therefore recommended to create separate work orders per project/application for costs to be covered with POS/PES funds.

This means that you do not have to apply for PES funding for proposals submitted through the funding and tenders portal, but can expect to have the funding transferred by the end of the year according to the lump sums described below.

If you are a coordinator and have a need for further support, applicants may apply for Additional PES funding up to 50 000 NOK per project proposal. This means that a Coordinator proposal may release a total of 150 000 NOK in PES funding. The application for additional coordinator funding must be received minimum 2 months before call deadline.

Please use this form for applying for additional funding as Coordinator (.docx).

Please use this form for applying for POS (.docx).

Are you in doubt about whether the application you are writing should qualify for PES support? Send an e-mail to Vera Østensen.

Researchers at NIBR takes directly contact with Bianca Pricope.

  • Activities covered by PES-/POS-funding

    Project establishment support (PES)

    • Consortium meetings for project development towards calls / topics
    • Procurement of external consulting services. OsloMet has a framework agreement with Europa Media and Enspire Science Ltd. Procurements. Call-offs have to be approved by the R&D Department before signing the agreement. Contact Vera Østensen for more information.
    • Buy-out in order to be able to free up time to write (no overhead eligible)
    • Piloting (data, lab, scientific assistant, and more)
    • Consortium Meetings

    Are you in doubt about whether the application you are writing should qualify for PES support? Send an e-mail to Vera Østensen.

    Positioning support (POS)

    • Scientific and administrative staff can apply for positioning funding (POS)
    • Networking: Building relations with leading European environments
    • Skills development: Course, workshop
    • Participation at the EUs information days on upcoming calls in Horizon Europe, and related brokerage events and networking sessions
    • Other activities for short-term positioning to join existing consortiums

    Should be positioning activities of interest to the institution, faculty/centre and signed by head of research support + vice dean.

    Form to be used for POS (.docx).

  • PES-funding amount related to project type

    The PES funding amounts vary, and are related to the project type and the applicant's role in the planned HEU project. The rates below indicate amount of block-grant that you will receive.

    Coordinator – calls from HEU, Eurostars and JTI

      Type of project

      Amount in NOK

    (additional available funding in brackets)    

      Coordinator of Research & Innovation Action (RIA)

      100 00 (50 000)


      Coordinator of Innovation Action (IA)

      Coordinator of Coordination and Support Action (CSA)

      100 000

      Fast Track to Innovation (FTI)




      100 000


      Active and Assisted Living Programme (AAL)                    

      JTI (except: JTI ECSEL)


      COST (establish new networks)

      EIC Pathfinder Open

      200 000

      EIC Open Challenge

    Participant or work package leader in the collaborative projects mentioned in the table above:

    Lump sum NOK 60 000 upon confirmation from funding source of submitted and received proposal.  

    Coordinator – Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) and European Research Council (ERC)

      Type of project

     Amount in NOK  

      MSCA Innovative Training Network (ITN)

      100 000

      MSCA – Research and Innovation Staff Exchange        


      50 000

      MSCA – Co-funding of regional, national and
      international programs (COFUND)          

      MSCA individual Fellowships (IF)

      10 000

      ERC Starting Grant


      50 000
      (25 000 for round 2 automatically given when interview has been done and final evaluation is received)  

      ERC Consolidator Grant

      ERC Advanced Grant

      ERC Synergy Grant 100 000

    It is important that all PES/POS funding is traceable. This means project controllers must be able to report how funding was spent, associated with each project, for PES and POS. It is recommended to create separate work orders for costs related to the application process per project (and for positioning), or otherwise mark and group costs to be covered with PES/POS funding.  


    Prizes (application writing): 50 000 NOK

  • The PES-/POS application process 

    As described above, all proposals submitted through the funding and tenders portal will receive block funding as described by the end of the year based on lists retrieved from the portal.

    If you are applying for other schemes described in the above table not submitted through the funding and tenders portal, please e-mail Vera Østensen copy of the confirmation of submittal and the submitted proposal. This will then release block funding as described in the table above.

    In cases where several units from OsloMet participate in the same activity, only the main contact from OsloMet and her/his affiliated department will receive the block amount after submission.

    Remember – all proposals sent from OsloMet require that head of department/institute has confirmed support to the proposal – and that local research advisor and financial advisor have quality assured the proposal before it is sent.

    Department for R&D will upload confirmation of transferred PES amounts and approved POS applications to P360. There is also a log on the Horizon Europe Teams group (

    The Department of Finance will contact the relevant unit if clarifications are needed as to where the grant should be booked.

