Arbeidsplaner | Arbeid, ferie og permisjon - Ansatt

Work schedules

Work schedules

Work schedules are a tool for management and planning that underlie the employer's allocation of duties for employees in academic positions.
  • Work schedule form

    OsloMet uses Styringsportalen to register work schedules. Managers are responsible for the registration of their employees work schedules and that they receive them. Veileder for utfylling av arbeidsplaner i Styringsportalen (.pdf) (In Norwegian).

    These guidelines form the basis for the procedure of stipulating individual work schedules ( for all employees in academic positions (TR staff) at OsloMet. Parties at the faculty level will use these guidelines as a basis for developing complementary local guidelines adapted to the individual faculty.

  • Working year

    • Each full time employee has a work year consisting of 1687.5 net hours.
    • From the year the employee turns 60, the work year is reduced with 37.5 hours to 1650 hours in total (one additional week of holiday)
    • When the employee turns 62, the work year is reduced with an additional 60 hours to 1590 hours in total  (eight senior days per year, cf. the Basic Collective Agreement)
  • Duties

    The work schedules can be divided into the following duties:

    • teaching related work - teaching-related duties in the broad sense, including teaching, counseling and assessment
    • R&D and dissemination
    • academic / educational renewal
    • administration
    • appointments for staff
    • employer resources
  • Quantification

    A 45 minute lesson is considered as a 1 hour lesson in the work schedule. For other assignments, the time is calculated hour by hour. Teaching activities are quantified using conversion factors.

    Travelling in connection with internships/ other external assignments is calculated hour by hour when this takes place during normal working hours.

    For other contributing factors that may produce an effect - see the guidelines.

  • Planning period

    The work schedules’ planning period runs from August 1 to July 31. The individual work schedules should usually be stipulated by June 1 each year.

  • Changes

    Work schedules may be changed during the planning period if appropriate. Both the programme coordinator and the employee are responsible for addressing the need for changes to the other as quickly as possible.

    In some cases, where there is an exceptional and time-limited need, it may be appropriate for the employer to impose overtime. This requires time tracking of working hours and overtime.

    In the case of full or partial absence due to illness, all duties in the work schedule will usually be reduces accordingly.

Contact local HR

Contact local HR

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your local HR contact.

Central administration

Phone :
E-mail :
Place/Address :
Fagleder HMS

Faculty of Health Sciences

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Section for HR
Url :
HR - Faculty of Health Sciences

Faculty of Education and International Studies

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Section for HR

Faculty of Social Sciences

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Section for HR

Faculty of Technology, Art and Design

E-mail :
Place/Address :
Section for HR

Centre for Welfare and Labour Research

E-mail :
Place/Address :
HR responsible