Retningslinje for lokale arbeidsmiljøutvalg (LAMU) | Helse, miljø og sikkerhet - Ansatt

Local working environment committee (LWEC) guideline

Local working environment committee (LWEC) guideline

Adopted in the working environment committee (WEC) April 24, 2013; revised in the WEC meeting March 5, 2015.

The purpose of LWEC

LWEC is a subcommittee of WEC

LWEC should be a cooperative body and work for a satisfactory working environment in the faculty / public administration.  Challenges concerning the working environment should be dealt with as close to the employees' daily routines as possible, and with the assistance of the local expertise of the members of LWEC.

LWEC must seek to inform employees about working environment issues and encourage their participation in the work with environment, health and safety.

The Working Environment Committee stipulates the duties and the decision-making authority for LWEC. Otherwise, the regulations on the working environment committee apply (regulations on organisation, leadership and participation § 3-14).


LWEC is a multipartite body and consists of at least two representatives from the side of both the employers and the employees (see note at the bottom of this paragraph).

  • The dean or the centre manager nominates the employer’s members. He/ she shall himself / herself be one of them.
  • At least one of the employer’s members in the faculty/ centre should be a department head.
  • Employee representatives are elected /nominated according to the rules of the regulations on organization, leadership and participation, chapter 3.
  • At least one of the employee’s members must be a safety representative with any of the other safety representatives as his deputy. If there is a safety representative of a faculty, he or she shall be a member.
  • Deputies are elected / nominated according to the regulation’s provisions in § 3-11

The dean / Head of center delegates the secretary function in his unit. Delegated HSE tasks must be documented.

Employers and employees respectively have the leadership every other year. At least two meeting must be held each term, but LWEC can decide whether there should be more.

The meetings should normally be open.

Note: LWEC-FA continues as before. The organisation of LWEC for the departments in the central administration will be taken up for discussion in WEC at a later point.


Members of the LWEC must receive the same training as safety representatives and members of the  working environment committee, see regulations on organisation, leadership and participation §§ 3-18 - 3-20.


LWEC must follow up the WEC's focus areas and discuss implementation and customisation of WEC's guidelines.

LWEC will discuss HiOA's priority areas within HSE. LWEC has been delegated the following tasks within its own unit and must…:

  • establish the subdivision of the different safety areas (Regulation on organisation, leadership and participation § 3-1)
  • discuss the organisation of the safety service and assess if it works appropriately [see AML § 7-2 (2) a)].
  • nominate electoral committees when the safety representative is elected by and among the employees according to the provisions of the Regulations on organisation, leadership and participation § 3-2 4.
  • discuss building projects and send comments and suggestions to the building committee. All formal management of building matters is carried out in WEC, both in terms of new construction and reconstructions (see guidelines for the management of building matters at HiOA).
  • discuss results and measures after working environment surveys (e.g. mapping of physical and psychosocial work environment, risk assessments, employee surveys and more), recommendations from HSE revision and other potential measurements such as indoor air quality [see AML § 7-2 (4)].
  • participate in the elaboration of goals for the HSE work and in the elaboration of annual action programmes in the unit (see AML § 7-2 (1) and the Regulation on organisation, leadership and participation § 2-3).
  • discuss the need for special HSE training [see AML § 7-2 (2) b)]. Suggestions can be sent to the unit for HSE.
  • review absence reports and, if necessary, contribute with proposals to measures concerning:
    • Self-certified absence
    • Doctor-certified absence (long-term sick)
    • Work-related absence
  • review all accident reports / near accident reports and other HSE deviations [AML § 7-2 (4)].
  • consider "other plans that may be significant for the work environment" [AML § 7-2 (2) d)].
  • have decision-making authority in matters that are described in the Working Environment Act § 7-2 (5).

In all cases dealt with, the issues and the following decisions/proposals for decision must be presented. 

Cases that are of fundamental or enterprise-overriding nature, or that involve several units, must be taken to the WEC

If further delegation of case areas is wanted, a case must be submitted to the WEC

LWEC must be informed about:

  • Conditions that are of importance for the monitoring of the HSE status of the unit
  • Orders from regulatory authorities regarding HSE and the unit’s follow-up plan
  • Working environment challenges in the unit
  • New laws and regulations affecting the unit


Minutes must be taken after every meeting (Regulation on organisation, leadership and participation § 3-16). It must sate which documents were submitted and what the key elements in the discussion were. Decisions must follow in all decision matters, and a conclusion must follow any other matter dealt with by the LWEC.

Annual Report

By 10 September each year, LWEC must submit an annual report on its work for the period 1 August - 31 July to the Faculty Board, local civil service organizations (IDF) and AMU v/ AMU's secretariat

Content requirements:

  • Composition, number of meetings, which part has had the leadership and what issues has been considered
  • Work concerning both private focus areas and those of WEC, HiOA's priority areas, as well as the action programme
  • Work concerning matters delegated by WEC (specified in the section "Tasks")
  • Challenges regarding the working environment
  • Description of any decision matters


Members of LWEC cannot , on an equal footing with WEC's members, bring forth matters that are subject to confidentiality, see Regulations on organisation, leadership and participation § 3-17.



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Head of HSE Brita Bye

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92 61 47 50
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Central chief safety representative Marthe Eikum-Tang

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67 23 54 59
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