Til bedømmelseskomiteen - praktisk informasjon om reise og opphold - Ansatt

Practical information about travel and accommodation for members of the assessment committee

Practical information about travel and accommodation for members of the assessment committee

This information applies to members of the assessment committee at the Faculty of Education and International Studies.

Payments, travel, and reimbursement of expenses

As a member of an adjudication committee, please note that:

  • Original receipts and/or other documents of expenses must be submitted in connection with payment of fees and the reimbursement of expenses.
  • Payments and reimbursements of expenses will happen after the trial lecture and disputation have been held.
  • Please send the reimbursement form to Administrasjonphd-lui@365.oslomet.no (e-mail)


First/ business class flights are not covered if other tickets are available.


The faculty pays accommodation from the day before the defence to the day after. Expenses for travel companions will not be covered.


We ask visiting opponents to use public transport, as far as possible. Taxis should only be used when public transport makes travel difficult. Between Oslo Airport and Oslo city centre, the airport train is the fastest and most affordable means of transport and uses approx. 25 minutes to Oslo city centre. The airport train (flytoget.no) leaves every 10 minutes from Oslo Airport and Oslo Central Station/ Nationaltheatret. Nationaltheatret station is centrally located with a short distance to OsloMet.

Payments for the adjudication

The assessment itself is remunerated at a fixed rate at paygrade 75 and in the following way:

  • Assessment of the thesis is remunerated with 30 hours.
  • The first opponent is additionally paid 20 hours for their opposition.
  • The second opponent is additionally remunerated with 15 hours for their opposition.
  • If the thesis is returned with a request to reassess it within 3 months, the committee members will get remunerated with 20 hours for the reassessment.

Contact information

Do you have further questions?  Please contact the PhD administration (e-mail)