Forskningsprosjektledelse - Ansatt

Leading research projects

Leading research projects

Over the last few years, the amount and size of research projects at OsloMet have increased. This development is central for the future of the university, and it is therefore essential that we develop the project leadership skills at out institution. An increased size and number of projects will demand more from those who lead the projects.

We know that it can be challenging to separate the work you do connected to research, and the work that needs to be done as a leader. The two elements are tightly connected, but if we want to succeed with our projects, we need to be able to handle both. The leadership program at OsloMet therefore offers an introductory and an advanced course on leading research projects.  

  • Introductory course

    The introductory course is designed to introduce fundamental concepts, perspectives, and practical tools to develop the project leader’s skill set.      

    The course runs over two one-day seminars covering:

    • Understanding leadership in research projects
    • Understanding individual motivation and facilitating shared ambitions and cooperation between the members of the project group

    • Project leadership – best practice and tools: Goal setting, Follow-up, Resources, Risks, Stakeholders, and Time management

  • Advanced course

    The advanced course is created for you who lead large research projects and want more elaborate knowledge around the strategic side of research project leadership. 

    The course runs over two two-day seminars covering:

    • Developing the role as a research project leader

    • Developing shared ambitions

    • Recruiting and onboarding of project members

    • Mobilizing stakeholders

    • Portfolio management

    • Strategic and change leadership in a project context

    • Expectations from your environment and mission orientation