TSD 2.0 - Ansatt

TSD 2.0 Service for sensitive data

TSD 2.0 Service for sensitive data

All projects processing sensitive data should use the Service for sensitive data (TSD 2.0) solution. OsloMet has an agreement with UiO for using TSD.
  • Tittel

    Test innhold

Service for sensitive data, TSD 2.0 (uio.no), is developed and operated by USIT at UiO, and is part of NorStore, the national infrastructure for handling and storing scientific data. TSD has been purchased from UiO by OsloMet, and UiO also provides user support for the service.

  • How to apply for TSD?

    Before you apply to TSD, you must secure that following is satisfied

    • Your project will treat confidential data
    • You have the approval from SIKT, REK, PVO or others ready
    • Your project must be registered in OsloMets Forskningsdatabase 
    • You have checked that TSD satisfy your need of application support as well as the technical requirements regards to storage and capacity.
    • You have filled out the attachment "Attachment to Data Process Agreement"/"Vedlegg til Databehandleravtale" before you start on the Application Form at UiO.

    Go to the Application Form

    Read through the register guidance (uio.no) before you start. 

    Fill in the application form (nettskjema.no). The form is digital and you need to login with your BankID.

    Use your OsloMet e-mail address and not your personal.

    You will be asked to attach the "Attachment to Data Process Agreement"/"Vedlegg til Databehandleravtale" when registering OsloMet as institution.

    What happens next?

    The application form is sent to TSD for approval. Additional, the service responsible from OsloMet will go through the application and confirm.

    Normally your application will be processed in 2-3 days and your TSD machine will be ready in a week.

  • What does TSD costs?

    • Annual service fee ("Basic package") as well as monthly costs for MS Office, will be paid by the R&D department at OsloMet
    • Additional resource requirements (RAM, core) beyond what is offered in the basic package, the project must pay.

    See to the pricelist at UiO (uio.no) (Universitet- og høyskolesektoren)

  • Your role as project-admin (responsible)

    TSD itself is very much self service based. That mean you must 

    1. Administrate the project regards to user-access and access-control
      1. Additional, the user-access regards to the regulation
    2. Clarify your need regards to software and additional machine resources
    3. Control the project regards to expiration date and storage requirements

    User-access regards to the regulation

    In general, before you start the project secure that:

    • For any cooperating institutions, there are a valid base of treatment and they are registered in your SIKT/REK-form.
    • Any changes regards to participants are reported to SIKT/REK.
    • You have the necessary agreements with the externals in place (DPA, cooperation agreement, non-disclosure agreement etc.)
    • If the participants collaborating are based outside EU/EØS, necessary routines and regulations must be followed. See Transferring research data abroad.
    • Your project is registered in OsloMets Forskningsdatabase, also with the complete participants list.

    Watch out

    • Report when your project is finished
    • Remove any non-participating collaborator (when they quit)

    Storage duty

    Check out whether your project has storage duty which means that the data have to be stored for a certain period after project end. As project-admin is your responsibility.

  • Data-capture to TSD

    Nettskjema (nettskjema.no) is very often used for data capturing to TSD. With Nettskjema (uio.no) you can capture data in different ways:

    A video-app will be published Spring 2023

  • Hardware and resources in TSD

    See the TSD-webpage under "basic package" for hardware size and resources. (uio.no)

    Contact itservicedesk@oslomet.no for any information regarding hardware capacity.

  • Software in TSD

    Software Center in TSD

    When logged on to your TSD-project you will as project admin has access to TSD Software Center where you can download a lot of available softwares (*)

    Software from OsloMet

    Software released to OsloMet through a site-license can be available for your project in TSD on order.

    Project admin has to send an email to TSD Contact at UiO if any of the software on the list should be available on your TSD machine:

    • NVivo
    • f4transcript
    • Matlab
    • SPSS
    • STATA, MP-version (multiprocessors) (***)

    Other software, on order

    Any other software has to be ordered through OsloMets order system.

    The IT-department at OsloMet will evaluate the procurement, and place an order based on your needs. The license and software itself have to be installed by the TSD after availability.

    (*) Acrobat Reader, AdoptOpenJDK JRE, Anaconda3, Audacity, AutoHotKey, ELAN, Ghostscript, Git (WinGit), GitHub CLI, Graphviz, HandBrake, ImageMagick, Julia, LibreOffice, MiKTeX, Notepad++, PSPP, psqlODBC, Python3, QGIS, R, RStudio, Rtools, TeXstudio, Visual Studio Code, VLC Media Player, WinSCP, Xming, Office

  • Video capture in TSD

  • Exception for TSD

    TDS is primarily for research projects with sensitive data and student-classes whom handle sensitive data in their projects. Any exceptions from this, administrative projects for instance, must be clarified with the IT department at OsloMet.

  • Create an TSD-account (for project member)

    Go to the TSD website and go through the step "Getting access to the project" (uio.no)".

  • Contact TSD or OsloMet Service responsible

    For questions about TSD, go to the TSD Contact page (uio.no).

    Inform and escalate

    In some cases the Service responsible from OsloMet should be informed and connected for follow your case or escalate it. 

    Then you should send a copy or forward your communication to itservicedesk@oslomet.no

IT Service Desk

IT Service Desk

Opening hours summer 2024 (from 24 June)

Phone :
(+47) 67 23 55 55
E-mail :
Place/Address :
Time/Opening Hours :
Weekdays 08-16:00 (15:00 from 24 June to 31 July)
Open from 09-15 from 24 June to 28 June. Closed all of July. It is possible to make an appointment at Kjeller upon request by phone or mail.
Url :
Digital Peer Support in Teams

Desk in P48 is closed from 24 June to 9 August.