Prosjektportalen - brukerveiledning - Ansatt

Prosjektportalen – user guide

Prosjektportalen – user guide

Prosjektportalen is OsloMet’s project and portfolio management tool. Here you can read about how to set up and manage your project through Prosjektportalen.

Prosjektportalen is based on Prosjektveiviseren ( and simplifies cooperation and project management using Microsoft 365 and Teams.

A general user guide and general training videos (YouTube)  have been prepared for Prosjektportalen. In some areas, OsloMet has made adaptations that are not reflected there.

  • Create a project area

    All projects in OsloMet’s central project portfolio are assigned a special project area in the portal, and must as a minimum register:

    • project properties
    • uncertainty
    • project deliveries
    • benefits
    • project status – within 5 working days into the following month

    Other projects may be assigned project areas as needed – contact the IT service desk.

  • Edit project properties

    Access control

    All employees at OsloMet have read-only access to metadata, lists, OneNote and documents in the project areas. You must therefore take care not to enter any sensitive information, neither in the project name nor in the project properties.
    You can create private channels in Teams to limit access to documents. Please note that the documents in private channels will be stored in separate SharePoint areas.
    If you have projects that you do not want anyone other than your project team to have access to, contact the IT service desk.
    In order for members of the project group, project board or others to have write access and access to Teams and Planner, you must add them as members of the Microsoft365 group:

    1. Click the member icon in the upper right-hand corner.
    2. Enter the name or email address of the person(s) you wish to add.
    3. Click ‘Lagre’ (Save).
    4. Make a member an owner or remove him/her from the group by clicking ‘Medlem’ (Member) below the name and make the appropriate changes.

    General training video (YouTube)


    Her legger du inn enheten som prosjektet tilhører. Normalt vil dette være enheten til prosjekteier. Dersom prosjekteier representerer flere enheter, kan du velge OsloMet eller en av divisjonene.

    Kort beskrivelse

    Her legger du inn 1-2 linjer om hva prosjektet skal oppnå og levere, slik at det er lett for å andre å forstå hva prosjektet handler om.


    Her må du velge det tjenesteområdet som du synes passer best (områdene tilsvarer UNITs tjenesteråd):

    • Studieadministrasjon: Prosjekter som omhandler ulike sider av studieadministrasjon; f.eks. opptak og utvikling og forbedring av studieadministrative systemer
    • Undervisningstjenester: Prosjekter som omhandler for eksempel undervisningsverktøy, eksamensavvikling, LMS osv.
    • Forskning: Prosjekter som omhandler forskning og utvikling, forskningsstøtte og tilhørende systemstøtte
    • Administrative tjenester: Prosjekter knyttet til tjenester innenfor HR, økonomi og virksomhetsstyring og generelle kommunikasjonstjenester
    • Infrastruktur, mellomvare, data og informasjonssikkerhet: Prosjekter som omhandler tjenester og systemer som understøtter de andre områdene, for eksempel eiendomsprosjekter, og prosjekter knyttet til felles og grunnleggende systemer
  • Change name and icon in project area

    Change the project area’s name and icon

    You can change your project area’s name and add an image instead of using the automatically generated standard icon.

    1. Click ‘Rediger områdeinformasjon’ (Edit area information) in the fields in the right-hand column on the ‘Hjem’ (Home) page.
    2. Upload an image or change the name of the area and click ‘Lagre’ (Save).

    NOTE: You can change the Privacy Settings from the same menu. It should always be set to ‘Private – only members can access this site’. If it is set to ‘Public – anyone in the organization can access this site’, all students and staff can access the project area and the pertaining team in Teams.

  • Access control

    All employees at OsloMet have read-only access to metadata, lists, OneNote and documents in the project areas. You must therefore take care not to enter any sensitive information, neither in the project name nor in the project properties.

    You can create private channels in Teams to limit access to documents. Please note that the documents in private channels will be stored in separate SharePoint areas.

    If you have projects that you do not want anyone other than your project team to have access to, contact the IT service desk.

    In order for members of the project group, project board or others to have write access and access to Teams and Planner, you must add them as members of the Microsoft365 group:

    1. Click the member icon in the upper right-hand corner.
    2. Enter the name or email address of the person(s) you wish to add.
    3. Click ‘Lagre’ (Save).
    4. Make a member an owner or remove him/her from the group by clicking ‘Medlem’ (Member) below the name and make the appropriate changes.
  • Set up the project in Teams

    It is easy to create a team for your project in Teams and make information from Prosjektportalen available there.

    1. Click ‘Add Microsoft Team’ in the bottom left-hand corner in the project area.
    2. Click ‘Fortsett’ (Continue) in the pop-up window.
    3. Select the content you wish to make available in Teams. We recommend that you at least tick the ‘Prosjektstatus’ (Project status) box. The task list, notebook and documents can easily be made available in Teams later.

     If you already have an existing team in Teams, you can connect it to Prosjektportalen. Contact the IT service desk for assistance.

    Watch a training video about how to set up the project in Teams (YouTube).

  • The home page: Phase selector, news, links and contact persons

    Phase selector

    The phase selector indicates which phase the project is in. Click the relevant phase to see the phase checklist and change to the next phase. Remember that the phase cannot be changed before it has been approved by the project owner! Watch a training video about the phase selector and phase checklist (YouTube).


    News items in a project area will also be displayed at portfolio level. Do the following to add a news item:

    1. Under ‘Prosjektnyheter’ (Project news), click ‘Legg til’ (Add) and select ‘Nyhetsmelding’ (News item).
    2. Select the template and click ‘Opprett side’ (Create page) in the bottom right-hand corner.
    3. Edit the content and click ‘Legg inn nyheter’ (Add news item) in the upper right-hand corner.

    Do the following to delete a news item:

    1. Go to ‘Områdeinnhold’ (Area content) in the left-hand menu.
    2. Go to ‘Områdesider’ (Area pages).
    3. Mark the news item and click ‘Slett’ (Delete) from the menu at the top. Be careful not to delete other pages!


    You can add useful links in the right-hand column.

    1. Click ‘Rediger’ (Edit – the button with the pencil) in the top right-hand corner.
    2. Click a link field and click the editing button (the pencil) inside the field.
    3. Click the ‘Endre’ (Change) button to add the link.
    4. Select ‘Fra en kobling’ (From a link) in the bottom left-hand menu, paste the link and click ‘Sett inn’ (Add) in the bottom right-hand corner.
    5. Enter the title of the link and click ‘Publiser på nytt’ (Re-publish) in the top right-hand corner.

    Contact persons

    You can choose to add names and photos for all or parts of your project team.

    1. Click ‘Rediger’ (Edit – the button with the pencil) in the top right-hand corner.
    2. Scroll down to the contact persons field, enter the names and click Enter.
    3. Once all contact persons have been added, click ‘Publiser på nytt’ (Re-publish) in the top right-hand corner.
  • Project status

    The project manager is responsible for reporting a realistic status to the project owner and the portfolio office every month. The deadline is the 15th of each month. Remember to focus on any areas with non-conformities and be clear about the measures you are planning to implement or have implemented!

    1. To register a status report, open ‘Prosjektstatus’ (Project status) in the left-hand menu.
    2. Click ‘Ny statusrapport’ (New status report) in the grey menu at the top. The information from the previous status report will be transferred to the new report so that it is easy to make changes. Check that the project information at the top is correct.
    3. Register the status of the various management dimensions (see below).
    4. Click ‘Lagre’ (Save) when you are ready to publish.
    5. Click ‘Publiser’ (Publish) to publish the most recent report in the portfolio area.
    6. Click ‘Åpne som øyeblikksbilde’ (Open as snapshot’) if you need a picture for a project board meeting or similar.

    Management dimensions

    • Overall status: Give a brief summary of last month’s achievements, what’s planned for next month and any challenges.
    • Total budget (direct cost) for the project: This must be entered when the first report is submitted and should only be updated if changes to your budget have been approved by the project owner or portfolio board. Enter budgeted direct costs, incl. VAT (paid release of employees, procurement of services, travel/conferences/courses/seminars, equipment acquisitions and misc. operating costs). Costs relating to use of internal hours that do not entail paid release of employees must not be included.
    • Direct costs incurred (total): Enter all costs and commitments incurred incl. VAT
    • Prognosis for the project: Enter expected total direct costs, incl. VAT. Normally, this is the same as the total budget, but the prognosis can be both higher and lower than the budget.
    • Financial status: Tick the appropriate value.
    • Comments on financial status: If you ticked ‘Mindre overskridelser, kan hentes inn’ (‘Minor budget overrun, can be made up for) or ‘Over budsjett, behov for tiltak’ (Budget overrun, measures required), you must enter a comment. Describe the reason for any deviations from the budget. List identified measures and state whether they are planned or implemented in a parenthesis.
    • Progress status: Tick the appropriate value.
    • Comments on progress status: If you ticked ‘Mindre forsinkelser, kan hentes inn’ (‘Minor delay, can be made up for) or ‘Forsinket, behov for tiltak’ (Delay, measures required), you must enter a comment. Describe the reason for any delays. List identified measures and state whether they are planned or implemented in a parenthesis.
    • Resources status: Tick the appropriate value.
    • Comments on resources status: If you ticked ‘Mangler noen ressurser, kan hentes inn’ (‘Some resources lacking, can be made up for) or ‘Mangler flere eller kritiske ressurser, behov for tiltak’ (Several or critical resources lacking, measures required), you must enter a comment. Describe any challenges relating to resources. List identified measures and state whether they are planned or implemented in a parenthesis.
    • Risk status: Tick the appropriate value. If the project has one or more yellow risk elements, tick ‘Medium’. If the project has one or more red risk elements, tick ‘Høy’ (High).
    • Comments on risk status: If you ticked ‘Medium’ or ‘High’ risk, you must enter a comment. Give a brief summary of the total risk situation for the project and what measures the project has planned for the next period.
  • Working with lists in SharePoint

    Much of the functionality in Prosjektportalen is based on SharePoint lists adapted for various purposes. This applies to Usikkerhet (Uncertainty), Prosjektleveranser (Project deliveries), Dokumenter (Documents), Interessenter (Stakeholders), Kommunikasjonsplan (Communication plan), Prosjektlogg (Project log), Gevinster (Benefits), Ressursallokering (Resource allocation) and Fasesjekkliste (Phase Checklist).

    The lists have a few features in common that are worth learning to make them easier to use. You can find more information about lists in SharePoint here.

  • Project deliveries

    In order to give the project team and OsloMet a good overview of when the projects will make their deliveries, these must be entered in Prosjektportalen. When submitting a status report, you should also consider and, if relevant, update ‘Leveransestatus’ (Delivery status). The deliveries from each project area will be visible in the portfolio area. Watch a training video about project deliveries (YouTube).

  • Uncertainty

    The project manager is responsible for updating the uncertainty register on an ongoing basis throughout the project (at least every month in connection with the status reports). You should normally carry out a risk assessment during the planning phase. The project group and any key stakeholder groups (e.g. experts and users) should be involved in this. Each risk and opportunity must be considered with a view to the probability that it will occur, and the expected consequence it would entail if it did occur (see below for a description of consequence and probability scales). Probability multiplied by consequence results in a risk factor that indicates how high each risk is.

    Probability scale

    • Category 1 (Very low): Less than 5%. Can occur in exceptional cases in similar projects.
    • Category 2 (Very low): 5–20%. Not to be expected but can occur on rare occasions in similar projects.
    • Category 3 (Medium): 20–50%. Can sometimes occur in similar projects.
    • Category 4 (High): 50–80%. Can frequently occur in similar projects.
    • Category 5 (Very high): More than 80% Must be expected in similar projects.

    Consequences scale, risk

    • Category 1 (Insignificant): Minor disruptions. Limited impact, can be made up for. Easily remedied.
    • Category 2 (Minor): Minor non-conformities in the quality of the project deliveries. Plans for parts of the projects may be affected, but the overall framework is in place. Can be remedied with some effort.
    • Category 3 (Moderate): Moderate non-conformities in the quality of the project deliveries. The whole project is affected, but the overall framework is in place. Demanding to remedy in terms of resources and time.
    • Category 4 (Serious): Serious non-conformities in the quality of the project deliveries. The whole project plan must be altered. Very demanding to remedy in terms of resources and time.
    • Category 5 (Critical): The project cannot be completed, impossible to remedy. 

    Consequences scale, opportunity

    • Category 1: Entails insignificant positive opportunities for students/staff at OsloMet.
    • Category 2: Entails small positive opportunities for students/staff at OsloMet.
    • Category 3: Entails certain positive opportunities for students/staff at OsloMet.
    • Category 4: Entails big positive opportunities for students/staff at OsloMet.
    • Category 5: Entails significant positive opportunities for students/staff at OsloMet.

    All risk elements from the project areas will be visible in the portfolio area. Watch a training video about registration of uncertainty (YouTube).

  • Benefits

    By benefits or performance targets is meant the improvements the use of the project’s deliveries will lead to in the form of either

    • avoided costs (direct benefit)
    • freed-up time (indirect benefit), or
    • other improvements in quality such as reputation, well-being etc. (qualitative benefit).

    The project must register its benefits in Prosjektportalen. The benefits from the project areas will be visible in the portfolio area.

  • Stakeholders and communication plan

    Stakeholder participation is important to all phases of the project, but how and which stakeholders should be informed and involved may vary between the various phases. An introductory stakeholder analysis should therefore be carried out already in the concept phase, and more details should be added as the project progresses. The stakeholder register is used to keep an overview of the stakeholders. This list can also be linked to a communication plan so that you can plan communication activities targeting specific stakeholders or groups of stakeholders.

    The communication plan is used to plan and carry out all communication relating to the project. A communication plan should contain specific measures to safeguard the information needs of the stakeholders. The stakeholder analysis forms the basis for the communication plan.

    Examples of stakeholders at OsloMet.

    Watch a training video about the stakeholder register and communication plan ( (YouTube).

  • Documents

    You can find document templates for governing documents in Prosjektportalen (e.g. Mandate for the concept phase, Project description and Final report). To make this functionality accessible in Teams, you must add the document page as a separate tab in Teams.

    1. Copy the link to the page with the documents in Prosjektportalen (e.g.:
    2. Go to Teams and click + in the top menu to add a new tab.
    3. Select ‘Nettsted’ (Website).
    4. Give the tab a name and paste the link to the page with the documents in Prosjektportalen.
    5. Click ‘Lagre’ (Save).

    Watch a training video about documents (YouTube).

  • Tasks

    Prosjektportalen uses Microsoft Planner for task management. The task list is used to create, plan and delegate project tasks and is only available to the members of the project’s Microsoft365 group. How to make tasks available in Teams:

    1. Go to Teams and click + in the top menu to add a new tab.
    2. Select ‘Tasks levert av Planner’ (Tasks by Planner’).
    3. Tick ‘Bruk en eksisterende plan fra dette teamet’ (‘Use an Existing Plan from this Team’).
    4. Click the drop-down menu and select your project areas.
    5. Click ‘Lagre’ (Save).

    Watch a training video about Planner.

  • Notebook

    The Notebook in Prosjektportalen is a Microsoft OneNote that is shared with all members of the project’s Microsoft365 group. This is a tool for gathering information, writing and saving joint notes, including minutes of meetings.

    How to make the notebook available in Teams:

    1. Go to Teams and click + in the top menu to add a new tab.
    2. Select ‘OneNote’.
    3. Click the notebook for your project area.
    4. Click ‘Lagre’ (Save).

    Read more about OneNote here.

  • Project log

    The project log can be used to record problems/concerns/enquiries, change requests, non-conformities or decisions that can be handled informally by the project manager (does not require the approval of the project owner/steering committee). It is also possible to share experience from the project in the portfolio’s general experience log.

    Watch a training video about the project log (YouTube)

  • Resource allocation

    OsloMet does not currently use this functionality.

  • Mark the project as finished


    To mark the project as finished and remove it for the portofolio views, do the following

    1. Click "Rediger egenskaper" in the fields in the right column of the Home page.
    2. Scroll down to the "Prosjektstatus" property and select "Avsluttet".

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