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The Diversity Award - Ansatt

The Diversity Award

The Diversity Award

Diversity is one of OsloMet's core values. The Diversity Award is meant to acknowledge staff who promote and bring this value to life.


The Diversity Award can be awarded to individuals, faculties, departments, study programmes, sections, environments, groups etc. that:

Stand out with respect to their teaching, research or dissemination relating to diversity

Actively contribute to a work or study environment characterised by inclusion and diversity

Help to make OsloMet a relevant voice and participant in society in issues concerning diversity


The award can be shared by two or more winners. The Diversity Award includes prize money of up to NOK 60,000. In addition, the award includes a diploma that can be hung on the wall at the winner's/winners’ place of work.

The award money cannot be used for the winner’s/winners’ personal gain.

The award recipient decides which OsloMet project or purpose the money should go to.

The project or purpose must be related to work on or teaching, research or dissemination in the area of diversity.


All staff members can nominate candidates for the Diversity Award.

The nominations must be submitted using the online form (see above) and include a description of the candidate's contribution and why the candidate should receive the award.

Jury members

The jury comprises the Rector and OsloMet's diversity committee


Please contact the Programme director for culture, diversity and welfare Vibeke Horn if you have any questions about the award.

