Opening ceremony for new students


Many new students and buddies gathered for the opening ceremony at St. Hanshaugen park.

Opening ceremony for new students

Welcome to the opening ceremony for new students at OsloMet!



St. Hanshaugen

OsloMet invites all new students to the opening ceremony at St. Hanshaugen in Oslo. Else Kåss Furuseth will be giving a speech, Fieh will be performing music, Oskar Fjørtoft Sandanger will be the MC, and rector will be welcome you to OsloMet.

Do you study at our Kjeller campus? Buses are arranged from Kjeller to St. Hanshaugen so you can participate in the opening ceremony, leaving between 14:00 - 14:45.

There will also be a free concert at Chateau Neuf for all new OsloMet students with Fieh in the evening.